Key of David Ministries


"These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens". I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name."
Revelation 3:7-8

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Alan & WIlma

Alan and Wilma are living testimonies of the love and grace of God in their lives.

They work with the body of Christ and the market place to bring a greater vision for the prosperity of the community and beyond.

Alan and Wilma engage with individuals, marriages, families and communities to be transformed to the glory of God, for His Kingdom purposes.

Key of David Ministries Inc. is an integral part of the Body of Christ.

Our heart is for:

individuals to walk in the calling and purposes of God, through discipling and helping them discover their gifts and where they fit in the Body of Christ.

marriages to be whole and reflect Jesus Christ and the Church as His Bride, as we help to prepare for marriage as a covenant relationship, (Alan can also conduct the marriage ceremony) and work with couples to bring God’s purposes in their true roles as husband and wife.

families to be restored and made whole, with right relationships among parents and children. A righteous family brings Godly influence in our communities, states, our nation and the nations.

helping the helpless, orphan, widow, the needy, so they may find their true place in the community. The Fatherheart of God is for those in need and He calls on us to care for them.

Key of David Ministries desires to bring followers of Jesus Christ to a place in the church, where ‘…we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…’ Ephesians 4 vs 11-16

We Pray, Worship and Seek God’s presence so we can be about our Father’s business… His way.

The Resources we make available to the Body of Christ include a 40-part teaching series with study notes, to equip believers. These can be used by Home Church leaders as a framework, or for individual study.

Through Pathfinder Works! Bushwalk Coaching, we engage with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs, Students, Families and Dads helping them set goals, aligning with their vision and equipping them to be part of a Kingdom Economy, creating resources for community needs and provide evaluation and accountability.

Contact us, for more information and helping us getting to know you…

Key of David Ministries is associated with Southern Cross Association of Churches.